ASN/LIR registration

  • Address block rental

    The rent for an address on the market usually ranges from 0.1 to 1 dollar per month. The final price depends on the requirements related to the use of addresses, as well as the chosen payment method.

  • ASN registration

    The cost of registering a stand-alone system is 100 euros.

  • IPv6 block registration

    The cost of IPv6 /48 block registration is 300 euros.

  • Object Support

    The annual support cost per object is 150 euros. A standalone system is treated as a separate object, and the support cost does not depend on the size of the network. At the moment, for your convenience, we offer you the possibility to arrange support of your facilities through Russian or Ukrainian lira.

  • Name of service
    Price in ₽
  • Autonomous System (ASN)

    10 000 ₽
  • LIR Registration. Block /24 IPv4 + IPv6 /48 and Autonomous System (AS)

    65 000 ₽
  • IPv6 /48 block (280 addresses)

    30 000 ₽
  • Sponsoring your services

    15000 ₽

ASN/LIR registration

The ASN/LIR registration process may seem complicated and confusing to those who are facing this task for the first time. However, with the right information and following the step-by-step instructions, any company can easily go through this procedure and obtain an ASN for their organization. One of the key benefits of ASN/LIR registration is the ability to manage network infrastructure more efficiently. Having their own ASN allows organizations to set their own routing rules, control traffic and ensure high availability of their Internet resources.

ASN/LIR registration inexpensive

In addition, ASN/LIR registration opens up new opportunities for business development. Companies can enter into contracts with major ISPs, participate in traffic exchange at Internet traffic exchange points (IXPs) and provide transit services to other organizations.

Complete ASN/LIR registration

If you are interested in ASN/LIR registration for your company, we strongly recommend using our services, which will help you go through this process quickly and efficiently. By contacting us, you will be able to order ASN/LIR registration and start using its benefits to develop your business.

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